Friday 10 December 2010

New Dot

I don't like it. But even though it could be better, it is a certian improvement from the last collection. What do you think?
PS: Sorry for not posting... as I said before, JOBS.
But, through Christmas, I PROMISE to post more.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Another Update from our "good" friends at stardoll

Instead of showing the green button(?) when we have new mail/notifications, it has changed to this.
 Personally, I like it better, but JESUS CHRIST, how many updates does stardoll need?

Monday 6 December 2010

LE junk

When I logged in today, I found this in my suite.
I bought four peices of LE. And as it just so happenes, I got four of these.
I'm wondering, has Stardoll given us these as a thank you?
I do hope so.

Saturday 4 December 2010


Sorry I haven't been posting quite as often as I would like. Pffft, jobs. But what can you do?
I'll try to catch up on all I missed.